UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

Italy K4C Hub (Sassari)


Sassari, Italy

Partners (University/Community Partner Organisation)

  • Foist Lab, University of  Sassari
  • IntHum, Intercultural Laboratory for research and Human Promotion (Social Promotion Association)
  • Nuovi Scenari  (Social enterprise)
  • Arci Sardegna (Social Promotion Association)
  • Cospes Salesiani Sardegna (Professional and Social School Orientation Center)

Other stakeholder:

  • Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali Regione Sardegna (Regional Professional organization of Social Workers)


The HUB is based at The FOIST Lab of University of Sassari which partners with IntHum Social Promotion Association. The FOIST Laboratory for Social Policies and Training Processes, founded in 1977 and long directed by prof. Alberto Merler, is a structure of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari. Since its inception it has been conceived as a place for the generation and sharing of ideas and knowledge, as well as for the promotion of active citizenship.
Hub’s training is mainly composed of two streams:

  • One aimed at students in the master’s degree Course in Social Services and Social Policies at University of Sassari. A special curriculum in Social Policies and Community Development has been created. Training is strongly linked to a one-year community-based field work project which is to be addressed through a transdisciplinary approach.
  • A secondo stream of training is presently being defined to be offered to different types of practitioners (psychologists, educators, social workers, etc.). The main aim is to allow social practitioners to acquire theories and techniques of the CBPR through classroom work; fieldwork and knowledge exchange.

Three Mediterranean summer schools:

  • 2006 edition: https://deisweb.uniss.it/scuole_estive/scuola2006.htm
  • 2008 edition: https://tunis2008.wordpress.com/
  • 2012 edition: https://scuolamed2012.wordpress.com/


  • Francesca Antongiovanni social worker and junior researcher in Foist Lab at the University of Sassari. Her research interests are based on Participatory Action Research with particular interest in participatory dynamics. He also deals with social planning and interventions in favour of the most disadvantaged communities.
  • Valentina Ghibellini, social worker in a municipality of Sardinia and PhD in social and political sciences. Junior researcher  in Foist Lab at University of Sassari. Her interests and experiences referring to evaluation of public policies and project with participation approach, Public Engagement of Higher Education and Community Based Participatory Action Research.

Projects of the hub with Brief Description

Courses Offered by the Hub

  • Post graduate course in social policies and community development at University of Sassari (2 years)
  • Training for practitioners (Social Workers, Professional Educators, Psychologists; Community Managers…)

Important dates and deadlines for registration in relevant courses

From August 2019 to December 2019


  • No poverty
  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality of education
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and community
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Partnership for the goals

Book and Journal’s publications

  • SDG 8- Decent work, F.Antongiovanni, S.Chessa, M.Cocco, M.Congiu, R.Deriu, V. Ghibellini, A.Merler, A.Vargiu, in press in GUNI’s Report on Education in the World
  • S.Chessa, M. Cocco, K. Sharp, A. Vargiu, The FOIST Laboratory: University student engagement and community empowerment through higher education, Sardinia, Italy in R.Tandon, B. Hall, W.Lepore, W.Singh, Knowledge and engagement building capacity for the next generation of community based research, PRIA, New Delhi, 2016, pp. 220-229.


F. Antongiovanni, M. Cocco, M. Congiu, V.Ghibellini, A.Merler, A.Vargiu, Permanent Partnership Instruments, 8th Living Knowledge conference, 30th May 1st June 2018, Budapest, Hungary.

Conference’s papers

  • F.Antongiovanni, M.Congiu, V. Ghibellini, A. Merler, A. Vargiu La comunità in ricerca. Dall’ascolto alla narrazione, dalla partecipazione all’attivazione, dal cambiamento alla promozione comunitaria. Ⅱ Conferenza Italiana sulla ricerca di Servizio Sociale, Trento, 31 maggio 1 giugno 2019.
  • F.Antongiovanni, V.Ghibellini, Il public Engagement e il ruolo delle università nella società, Il ruolo delle università per lo sviluppo della società e del territorio, Sassari (Italia) 11.02.2019
  • V.Ghibellini,  A.Vargiu. M.Cocco, F.Antongiovanni, A. Merler Community Based Research in Southern European Societies. Introducing K4C – Knowledge for Change: An international training consortium on Community Based Research, Esa Mid-term Conference Southern European Societies Catania (Sicilia), 04-06.10.2018
  • V.Ghibellini, Could university be a “service of social utility”? The contemporary science shop experience in Europe,  8° Living Knowledge conference Europe, Budapest (Ungheria),29.05.2018-1.06.2018
  • V.Ghibellini, A. Vargiu,C. Tremblay, F. Antongiovanni, M. Cocco, Knowledge for Change (K4C): A Global Project to Train the Next Generations of Community-based Researchers, 8° Living Knowledge conference Europe, Budapest (Ungheria),29.05.2018-1.06.2018
  • V. Ghibellini, A. Vargiu, K. Burns, R. Hally e C. O’ Mahony – Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the Curriculum: The EnRRICH Experience, C2UExpo 2017 – Exploring Community-College-University Collaboration Vancouver (Canada) 02.05.2017 – 04.05.2017
  • F. Antongiovanni – Experiencias da pedagogia intercultural na educação básica Monte Rosello e Santa Maria di Pisa na cidade de Sássari, IV Colóquio de Educação Especial e Pesquisa: História, política, formação e práticas pedagógicas em diferentes contextos, Guarapari Espirito Santo, Brasile 11-13,09,2017.
  • V.Ghibellini, Participation and knowledge in a democratic society: evaluating impacts of Science Shops, 7° Living Knowledge Conference, Dublin (Ireland), 21. 06. 2016 – 25.06. 2016
  • V.Ghibellini, Community Based Research and worldwide mobilization: an action research experience in Italy, 12° European Sociological Association Conference

Relevant materials

Carta di Sassari Alleanza tra Università e comunità

Manifesto Apenet

Events organized by the hub

  • Visiting professor, dall’ 8 al 22 Maggio 2019:
  • Prof. B. Hall (UNESCO Co-Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, University of Victoria) Prof. D. Clover (University of Victoria)
  • Public event, Per un welfare responsabile to celebrate 40 years of journal “Autonomie locali e servizi sociali” and to present n. 3/2017, 21 Febbraio 2019.
  • (https://dumas.uniss.it/sites/st10/files/locandina_foist_evento_spe_2019.pdf )
  • Workshop for sociology week Alleanze possibili per la comunità. Un incontro conviviale per discutere, proporre idee, trovare strade possibili per promuovere il cambiamento sociale nelle nostre comunità, relations of G. D’Antonio, A. Merler, R. Siza, 12 Ottobre 2018, Sassari.
  • Brasilian delegation from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Victoria, Brasile at University of Sassari, dal 15 al 26 Maggio 2018
  • Workshop with Brasilian delegation from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Victoria, Brasile Ricerca-Azione e cambiamento sociale. Prospettive e sfide: dialogo aperto tra Università Federale dello Stato di Espirito Santo Brasile, Università di Lincoln (UK) e Università di Sassari, 21 maggio 2018, Sassari.
  • Workshop, Prospettive dell’alta formazione per le professioni del sociale, 16 febbraio 2018 introductory report of Carla Facchini, Università di Milano Bicocca
  • Visiting professor, dal 5/07/2017 al 10/07/2017
    Dr. R. Tandon, (UNESCO Co-Chair on Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education and founder and president of PRIA- Participatory Research in Asia)

Prof. E. McKenna (Queen’s University Belfast)

  • Residential workshop Living Knowledge – New ways of engaging with and for society with C. Bates, E. McKenna, H. Mulder, N. Stainhaus, R. Tandon, A. Vargiu, M. Cocco, S. Chessa, R. Deriu, M. Congiu, F. Antongiovanni, 9-10 Luglio 2017, Porto Conte Ricerche, Località Tramariglio – Alghero (Sassari).
  • Workshop with the community Verso un laboratorio di comunità. Costruire e rafforzare comunità inclusive e attive attraverso la partecipazione dei cittadini with Rajesh Tandon and Emma McKenna, 8 Luglio 2017, Primary School, Via Cilea Sassari.
  • Public event: Engaging with and for society. Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) and sustainable development goals, with Rajesh Tandon and Emma McKenna, 7 Luglio 2017, Sassari.
  • Brasilian delegation from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Victoria, Brasile, dal 13 Maggio al 26 Maggio 2017
  • Workshop with Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)Victoria, Brasile Comunità educanti per l’inclusione sociale e l’uguaglianza delle opportunità, 25 Maggio 2017
  • Workshop with Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (UFES) Victoria, Brasile Riflessione d’insieme: la pedagogia speciale e le diverse abilità. Le comunità educanti territoriali, presso la Biblioteca Sebastiano Satta, Nuoro, 23 Maggio 2017.
  • Workshop with Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (UFES) Victoria, Brasile, Public Engagement: Ricerca Responsabile, Formazione, Emancipazione e lavoro con la comunità, 25 Maggio 2017, Aula Consiliare, Dumas, Università degli Studi di Sassari.
  • Workshop for sociology week 1+1 = 3 Ricerca, studio e cooperazione per il benessere della Comunità. Dialogo aperto all’ora dell’aperitivo. Esperienze di Ricerca degli studenti per il bene comune, with A. Vargiu, A.Merler, V. Ghibellini, F. Antongiovanni, 13 Ottobre 2017, Bar letterario l’Ultimo Spettacolo – Sassari.

Visiting professor Budd Hall, University of Victoria (Canada) dal 11 al 15 Marzo 2017

Public events:

  • Social and Community Promotion – Research education and public engagement of universities, 13 Marzo 2017, Aula Magna, Uniss.
  • Workshop with civil society organizations Le sfide della democrazia. Come è possibile pensare e praticare la cittadinanza attiva, la partecipazione e l’inclusione nelle nostre comunità, 14 Marzo 2017, Associazione IntHum.
  • Japanese delegation from University of Chuo (Tokyo), Prof. Michinobu Niihara e Tetsutada Suzuki
  • Workshop Ricerca sociale e impegno comunitario, una conversazione con Michinobu Niihara e Tetsutada Suzuki, 24 Febbraio 2017.
  • Workshop Terza Missione dell’Università e responsabilità della ricerca. Esperienza di formazione e ricerca con le comunità, 24 Febbraio 2016

Additional Material


Relevant EU projects

  • EnRRICH– The Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education H2020-EU.5.a. /SEAC-2-2014 / H2020-SEAC-2014-1 (https://www.livingknowledge.org/projects/enrrich/)
  • PERARES– Public engagement with research and research engagement with society

National project

Lost in Education, Promoted by Unicef Italia

(https://www.unicef.it/doc/8225/lost-in-education-progetto-contro-poverta-educativa-in-italia.htm )

Contact details of the hub coordinator

Valentina Ghibellini- vale.ghibellini@virgilio.it