K4C UINSA Indonesia
Responsible for creating the local training program
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Chief of K4C Indonesia
Names of the hub partners
LPPM-Center for Community Based Research and Development of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
LBH UINSA, Pusat Studi Lingkungan dan Mitigasi Bencana, Center for Peace Building, Pusat Kajian Pedesaan dan Politik Lokal, (Pusat Perlindungan Kekerasaan Perempuan dan Anak/ POLDA JATIM)
Focus of the hub
Community outreach, gender equality, and collaborative research with the community focused on social religious issue, economy, and politics which based on religious values.
The instructors may take from these components – and it could be extended:
Key person of ABCD, an academic professional and practitioner of PAR, representative of PSGA-center for childhood and gender equalities at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and the mentors of CBPR (Hilmi, Nabila, Mahir, Abid, Hernik, Noor Wahyudi, Riesdiyah, Nailatin, Agus Afandi, Abd. Muhid, Moch. Anshori).
The method CBPR course(s) fit into the academic structure of the hub university Learning objectives:
Vision of our University to become University Community Engaged through Teaching, Research, and Community outreach. Therefore CBPR courses do support the University vision.
Level of program (undergraduate, post graduate, external community workshops)
- Undergraduate students under MORA
- Lecturers under MORA
- Community partners
- NGO’s and Companies
- Everyone interested in Community Empowerment and Socio-religious issues
Recruitment and marketing strategies
- For undergraduate students who joined a real course work and the lecturers, it will be handled by LPPM
- For the external community, it involves the community in which we have a partnership
- For Lectures under Mora
The marketing strategies could through UIN Sunan Ampel networking, Website of UIN Sunan Ampel, a brochure, invitation participant, etc.
Catchment area
- For the first period: a community partner of UIN Sunan Ampel
- The long-term period: University partner of UIN Sunan Ampel, East Java
Expected participants – academic and community sectors
- Undergraduate students who joined real course work – 6th and 7th semester
- Lecturers and community participants
Number of participants in course(s)
- 20 to 30 undergraduate students for each period
- For external community it may take 20 participants
- 9 lecturers
UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya but it needed to make a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with other association
Learning objectives
- Encourage culture of Knowledge Democracy within the society and optimizing CBPR for academic knowledge production.
- To Promote the CBPR for community empowerment in various issues with values of Islam rahmatan lil Alamin.
- Elaborating CBPR with advancement of other approaches (ABCD etc)
Learning outcomes
- To align between theories and practices of CBPR
- To build a comprehensive social work which covered by a research: the integration of ABCD as an approach, PAR, CBR, and CBPR
- To refine the capacities of local community and academic professional across universities
- To establish and strengthen the partnership between universities and communities
- To provide a learning opportunity for undergraduate students in understanding of how the process of co-construction knowledge and engaged them to a collective work.
Competencies expected
All the participants hopefully will mastery the knowledge and the skill of doing CBPR, include their personal and intra-personal capability in doing reflected-communication.
Length of time
The time may be devided into two kinds, based on the level of program:
- For the undergraduate students :
In the frame of preparing undergraduate students to carry out community outreach-KKN, it need 3 day workshops, and the real course work are held for 1 to 6 months
- For the external community and the lecturers:
It may take 3 to 4 day workshops and continued by a proposal field research
Pedagogical principles
- An orientation towards research ethics and values
- The development of a deep understanding of power and partnerships
- The incorporation of multiple modes of inquiry
- Participation in learning CBPR and ensuring a balance between classroom (theory) and field (practice)
- The role of the researcher as CBR facilitator.
Those pedagogical principles are adopted from the a theoretical pedagogical framework which I have ever read in the book entitled Knowledge and Engagement (a resource book at modul 2)
Based on those principles, so this local training will be held by combining a workshop and a local-field research, which describe as follows:
- For undergraduate students who joined community outreach, the component will be a face to face workshop for 3 days, a field work at UIN Sunan Ampel community partners for 1 – 6 months including reporting the project. The result of field work is a scientific report and will be presented and discussed with their supervisor.
- For external community, the component will be a face to face workshop and a local field research. For the face to face workshop, we will design an interactive discussion and give them such copy of material which will carry out them into mastery learning. The workshop is designed in the model of facilitation not lecturing. Then it will be compiled by designing a local field research draft and continued by field research to bring them into a real practice.
Content-outline of the course
A theoretical framework of CBPR, a best practice of doing CBPR, and methods of CBPR and its variety, evaluation and impact assessment.
Materials to be used
A related resource book, compilation of materials (it may easy to use if we design a module which compilated/ collected from the material of MTP Training course with some additional and reduction based on the characteristic of the local training), a material of ABCD and PAR (has been ready), and such video of best practice in doing a collective work.
Types of assignments
- For undergraduate students who join community outreach, they have to arrange a field report project.
- For external community and lecturer, there will be a pre-test and post-test before and after the workshop, also a report of their local field research.
Methods of assessment
- For the need assessment we use questionnaire
- For the field research, we use a project-based assessment.
Other comments
The design of local training program for external community and lecturers especially for the workshops may divide into two whole agenda that is generic and specific which split into two days for each agenda. For the generic agenda, all the participants will involve in the session of the theoretical and sharing session of the practice of CBPR, while the specific agenda will be split into a small group which discuss a draft of proposal. Hopefully this additional comment makes this design more clear.
The regional coordinator is Dr. Nabiela Naily: naily@uinsby.ac.id